For different metals like mercury, gold, platinum, copper, cobalt, aluminium, iron, chromium cytotoxic, immunological and carcinogenic effects as well as effects on the metabolism are scientifically well proven [1-10]. Metal components can usually be detected anywhere in the body a few days after introduction into the mouth.
Basically one has to differentiate between three metal-induced stress directions:
1. The toxicity of the material:
In this case the highly toxic amalgam plays an outstanding (decisive) role. The heavy metals mercury, copper, tin and silver contained in it bind in ionized form to sulphurous proteins, enzymes, cofactors and cell membranes (sulphhydryl groups). This covalent bond, for example, completely blocks the function of an enzyme. In addition, metal ions from all dental alloys dissolve in an aqueous medium (saliva) and thus corrode. One could say that they rust. In addition, there is a current flow.
2. The immunological component:
None of the dental metals has a function in the human body. Virtually every metal represents a foreign body for the body’s own immune system and can therefore trigger an allergy. This process is individual and completely independent of the quantity or number of metal crowns, inlays or implants. The cell forms antibodies to the metal or the combination of metal and cell (hapten effect), which plays an important role in the development of autoimmune diseases such as MS, Hashimoto thyroiditis, etc..
3. The electrical component:
In the age of mobile phone radio, WLAN, radar and various authority networks, one is inevitably exposed to the most diverse frequencies and electromagnetic radiation. The metal supplies and titanium implants used as stationary devices in the oral cavity now act as small antennas with transmitters and receivers that can sensitively interfere with the nervous system. The radiation is amplified uncontrollably and the surrounding tissue can be heated. The effects on the body are therefore uncontrollable.
Different materials with different effects on the body
Amalgam is still routinely used in most dental practices today. On the one hand because it is a material that is easy to process and lasts for a long time, on the other hand because it is subsidised by the health insurance companies, i.e. free of charge.
In practice, amalgam has to be disposed of as highly toxic hazardous waste after removal – this fact alone should be worth thinking about. Amalgam consists of 50% mercury (Hg) which, contrary to the frequently held opinion, is not firmly bound in the filling after mixing.

Exemplary composition of an amalgam filling: 51% mercury (Hg), 21.5% silver (Ag), 14.8% tin (Sn) and 12.7% copper (Cu) (according to manufacturer’s specifications).
Chewing, grinding, brushing teeth and hot or cold drinks release a certain amount of mercury vapour every day. The whole thing takes place in the microgram range, but if you consider that even one molecule of Hg can destroy nerve cells, this should not be underestimated. Hg is considered the most toxic non-radioactive element and in this respect surpasses all other known elements, such as lead, cadmium and arsenic by a multiple [11-13]. In animal studies, pathological changes in the brain could be detected after only 14 days of wearing amalgam [14-15].
Every day about 2-3µg of mercury vapour are released per filling and this over an average wearing period of 20 years. One can therefore speak here of a low-dose, chronic poisoning. In numerous studies an approximately 2 to 5-fold increase of mercury in blood and urine in living amalgam carriers was observed, in studies on deceased patients even 2 to 12-fold increased amounts of Hg were found in different body tissues. According to these studies, amalgam is the main source of mercury exposure in the human body [5,16-35].
Mercury is known to mimic any symptom and is therefore intolerable in the body. The human body is extremely intelligent and stores, if possible, the fat-soluble toxins in the metabolically inactive connective or fatty tissue. However, in sports people or people with a low body fat percentage, the toxins are often deposited in the nerve tissue or brain. Infants are particularly at risk when breastfeeding or during pregnancy in the womb, as Hg is completely placental-going. The amount of mercury in breast milk and amniotic fluid clearly correlates with the amount of maternal amalgam fillings [36-47]. Since amalgam fillings are the main source of poisoning with mercury and other heavy metals, they should be removed, whether chronically ill or for preventive reasons.
Dental Metal Alloys
Neither gold, nickel, palladium, silver, platinum nor titanium are biologically present in the human organism. However, they are routinely used in dental alloys. An additional aggravating factor is that according to the Medical Devices Act (MPG) all components of a material below 1% do not have to be specified. In contrast to the highly toxic mercury in amalgam, the patient-specific immune system plays a decisive role for the above-mentioned metals. These metals inevitably represent foreign bodies which are tolerated or attacked depending on the aggressiveness of the immune system. As a result, low-dose inflammations occur, sometimes only locally recognizable by bleeding gums, up to massive allergies or even autoimmune diseases. Unfortunately, the cause of these diseases usually remains undetected and the therapy is symptomatic. The chronic, low-dose activation of the immune system costs at least 30% of the energy daily. Chronic fatigue is not uncommon. Some patients feel the immune response every morning with aching limbs, sluggishness and even slightly increased temperature. They feel a little “sick” all the time.
In addition comes the so-called battery effect (galvanic element), the thereby intensified corrosion of the metal ions and accumulation on the body’s own proteins, cell membranes and enzymes, as well as an antenna effect of all metals.

Classic scenario: gold crown next to amalgam filling – the battery effect.
A battery is formed when two different metals are brought into a conductive solution. In the direction of the electrochemical voltage series, the base metal ions dissolve and flow in the direction of the noble metal, releasing electrons – a current flows. Due to its high mineral content, saliva is the optimal electrolytic solution. A classic example is a gold crown next to an amalgam filling or a gold abutment on a titanium implant. In this case one speaks of a galvanic element or the battery effect.
These comparatively high dental mouth currents lead to corrosion of the metals in the course of the wearing time, which inevitably correlates with the problems of the toxicity of the metals themselves. In addition, there is the increasing electrosensitivity of the patients due to the exponentially increasing spread of microwaves through WLAN and mobile phone radio transmission.
It is important to know that metals in the body act like small antennas that can completely disrupt the cell’s action potential. These fields of tension build up and sensitively disrupt the central nervous system. One is inevitably exposed to electrosmog everywhere [48]. The standard absorption rate of electromagnetic fields can be increased 400-700 times simply by using a mobile phone (ringing or SMS reception) in combination with metals in the mouth [49].
Electrogalvanism and the resulting electrosensitivity can often be the cause of lack of concentration and memory loss, insomnia, unspecific symptoms such as stinging or pressure in the chest, unexplained palpitations, tinnitus and hearing loss, etc. [50].
Titanium and titanium intolerance
According to Dr. Volker von Baehr (IMD-Berlin), 15 to 20% of the population already react incompatibly to titanium [51], mainly triggered by the mass use of titanium dioxide as a filler or dye in medicines, dietary supplements, body care products, cosmetics, chewing gum and toothpaste. The tissue-specific scavenger cells react to the titanium oxide particles produced by abrasion when the implants are inserted with an increased unspecific immune response. This leads to increased oxidative stress [52-53]. In a study by Weingart, titanium oxide particles were found in regional lymph nodes [54]. The lymphatic and immune system is thus additionally burdened. Participation in the development of autoimmune reactions is also discussed [55].
Radar et. al. were able to show that zirconium oxide particles of the same size do not induce an inflammatory immune response (TNF-α) in a macrophage culture medium [56]. As with all other metals, titanium implants are small antennas for electromagnetic fields. In a Fujii clinical study, patients with titanium implants experienced balance problems due to the amplification of electromagnetic waves by titanium implants [57].
Aus oben genannten Gründen ist es verständlich, dass im Zuge der konsequenten Biologischen Zahnmedizin alle Metalle entfernt werden sollten, um zum einen das Immunsystem zu entlasten, zum anderen aber auch Mikroströme und Wechselwirkungen mit den elektromagnetischen Feldern zu reduzieren.Im ersten Schritt werden alle Metalle entfernt und durch Provisorien ersetzt.Die Titanimplantate können in seltenen Fällen belassen werden.
Amalgam removal with protective measures
Support of the body’s own detoxification performance
So that your body is ideally prepared for the upcoming amalgam removal, start 14 days before the planned session with our detoxification protocol (DTX by Dr. Dominik Nischwitz) or follow the guidelines of your referring environmental physician or alternative practitioner. Despite maximum protective measures when removing metals, it is impossible to prevent a small amount of mercury vapour from entering the body. Through the increased supplementation with nutrients, your body now has the opportunity to optimally intercept these toxins and also excrete them. The risk of an increased poisoning with the distance is minimized thus.
Our Detox Protocol supports the body in its detoxification function, with the aim of being able to carry out the amalgam removal phase without further problems. It is by no means to be understood as a complete removal of heavy metals. This can only begin after the mouth has been completely biologically sanitized (metal and interference field sanitization). Please consult your treating physician or alternative practitioner.
Most mistakes are made during the removal of amalgams. Usually the dentist, because he does not know about the above mentioned problems (it’s not within university teaching), will simply drill out the filling without any protective measures. However, a very large amount of highly toxic, inorganic mercury vapour (Hg0) is produced. It is not uncommon for patients to react to such routine amalgam removal with neurological symptoms, chronic fatigue, joint and muscle complaints or other new symptoms. For this reason, the removal of amalgam fillings under absolute protective measures is indispensable.

Schutzmaßnahmen bei der professionellen Amalgamentfernung. Kofferdamm – Goldnasenmaske – Clean-Up Sauger. Nicht im Bild: Sauerstoff- Nasensonde.
The following protocol has proved itself in the author’s practice:
- Cofferdam (rubber protection cloth – protection against chips and fragments)
- Clean-Up vacuum cleaner – additional protection against mercury vapour
- Careful drilling at low speed to avoid toxic mercury vapours
- Oxygen supply via a nasal probe – oxidizes mercury → additional protection for the lungsIQAIR → extracts up to 99% of the mercury vapours produced
- Chlorella algae insert after removal of the amalgam → binds mercury still present in the tooth
- Depending on the patient’s state of health, the teeth are either finally restored (ceramic or composite) or provisionally filled with cement (glass ionomer cement filling).
- Optional : Infusion with high-dose vitamin C and other micronutrients
Metal removal (crowns and bridges made of alloys containing high gold or non-precious metals)
All metals are removed at least under the cofferdam to prevent absorption of metal particles through the mucous membranes and gastrointestinal tract. In the case of serious illnesses or at the patient’s request, it is also possible to apply maximum protective measures (see amalgam removal) for general metal removal.
Titanium removal
A titanium stimulation test (blood test) can be used to check whether there is already an intolerance to titanium dioxide. Visually, an intolerance can also be suspected in the mouth due to inflamed tissue around the implant. If this is the case, the implants should be removed during the treatment and replaced by an all-ceramic implant.
With a special device it is possible in most cases to turn the titanium implants backwards out of the jaw without provoking an otherwise usual bone defect. Then, depending on the patient’s state of health, an all-ceramic implant can be placed directly, without having to heal the bone beforehand. If no electrosensitivity is triggered by the existing implants, they remain in place. However, the abutment on the implant will be replaced by an all-ceramic abutment to avoid local current flow.
What you should keep in mind as a patient
In the days prior to amalgam removal or metal removal, all harmful dietary influences should be eliminated. Water, healthy fats, protein, Gemüse and salads in all variations as well as a healthy lifestyle with plenty of sleep, exercise and sun have a positive stimulating effect.
Nutrition 1-3 weeks before surgery:
Avoid tobacco, caffeine, alcohol, simple sugars, saturated fatty acids as well as gluten and cow’s milk products.
Nutritional supplements/medicines:
Chlorella vulgaris pellets: 3xgl. 8-10 pieces (30 min. before meal, last portion directly before bed)
Zinc (gluconate/citrate): 20mg twice daily with food (2×2 capsules)
Omega 3 fish oil: 2 capsules for breakfast, 4 capsules in front of bed
magnesium citrate: 2 capsules morning and evening with food
Day of removal:
Nutrition remains the same. Drink a lot after treatment.
Food supplements:
Chlorella vulgaris pellets: 20 in the morning, 20 immediately after removal and 20 before going to bed. On the following day, take 20 pieces in the morning on an empty stomach.
Zinc (gluconate/citrate): 20mg twice daily with food (2×2 capsules).
Omega 3 fish oil: 3×2 capsules with meals, 4 additional capsules directly before going to bed
Magnesium citrate: 3 capsules morning and evening with food
Post removal:
Please follow the instructions in the nutritional design byBiological Dentistry – Metal Restoration
Dr. Dominik Nischwitz or the instructions of your treating environmental physician or alternative practitioner.
Your cooperation is crucial. Please take the dietary supplements and medications as prescribed and follow the nutritional recommendations given (see Bone Healing Protocol Supreme or Detox Protocol). Please drink enough liquid (2-3 litres of still water). After the metal restoration, continue to support your body with the necessary nutrients and replenish your memory. In the course of the ALL IN ONE CONCEPT, the next step is the interference field restoration (removal of the root-treated teeth and osteolysis in the jawbone (see interference field restoration).
Once the oral cavity has been cleaned and at the earliest 6-8 weeks after the last operation, the complete removal of the heavy metals can begin with your treating doctor or alternative practitioner.